Rozen Maiden Wiki
Lapislazuli Stern
S1EP08 Screenshot
English Souseiseki
Kanji 蒼星石
Rōmaji Sōseiseki / Lapislazuli Stern
Release November 25, 2004
Running Time 25 Minutes
Episode Guide
Previous Next
07. Träume 09. Das Gefängnis

Souseiseki / Lapislazuli Stern (蒼星石 Sōseiseki) is the eight episode of the Rozen Maiden anime series. It first aired in Japan on November 25, 2004.


Souseiseki is the fourth Rozen Maiden doll and the younger twin to Suiseiseki. She lives with an old man who became delusional after his wife fell into a coma, and she has been forced to assume the identity of the couple's late son.

At the Sakurada house, Suiseiseki and Hinaichigo find themselves hiding in the storage room after angering Jun. Suddenly, from the mirror they are given a glimpse of the sad life that Souseiseki lives. Suiseiseki does not react well to the situation. Souseiseki is visited by Suigintou, who implies a planned attack on Suiseiseki. At dinnertime, Suiseiseki rejects the flower-topped hamburger steaks and goes to bed early. Shinku worries about her as Hina explains what happened in the storage room earlier. Later that night, Suiseiseki wakes up and visits the mirror to confront Suigintou. After being shown Souseiseki's poor treatment once again, Suiseiseki dives into the mirror to save her.

Souseiseki doesn't want to leave due to her strong loyalty to her master, Motoharu, and his wife, Matsu. She asks for Suiseiseki's help in saving the comatose Matsu, to which Suiseiseki objects, preferring for her to instead forget about the elders and move to the Sakurada house. Souseiseki remains stubborn even after Suiseiseki uses her powers against her. Meanwhile, Suigintou appears before Motoharu, chastises him for treating Souseiseki poorly, and tries to get him to sign a contract with her. With Suiseiseki giving up on her, Souseiseki returns to her master, whose senility shows no sign of remission. Jun wakes up to use the bathroom and is berated by a very distraught Suiseiseki. She eventually cools off and senses an opening to the dream world being created. She suspects Souseiseki, but it is implied that Suigintou is up to no good once again.

Important Events[]

  • Souseiseki makes her first appearance.
  • This is the first major diversion from the manga's plotline. In the manga, Suiseiseki and Souseiseki were wound by a wealthy bachelor seeking to avenge the death of his twin brother. Souseiseki agreed to help him, but Suiseiseki ran away, thus explaining how she was wound up without having formed a contract. The 2013 anime reverts to the manga's story.


  • The official title of this episode is "Lapislazuri Stern." A more accurate translation of "Souseiseki" would be "Lapislazuli Stein."


References & Citations[]

Rozen Maiden
01. Fräulein Rose02. Kleine Beere03. Mercury Lampe04. Jade Stern05. Die Treppe06. Tränen07. Träume08. Lapislazuli Stern09. Das Gefängnis10. Abschied11. Schicksal12. Reiner Rubin
Rozen Maiden Träumend
01. Rozenkristall02. Enju03. Kanarienvogel04. Vereinbarung05. Der Brief06. Engel07. Teegesellschaft08. Puppenmacher09. Der Tadel10. Tomoe11. Rosengarten12. Alice
Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen
Tale 1Tale 2Tale 3Tale 4Tale 5Tale 6Tale 7Tale 8Tale 9Tale 10Tale 11Tale 12Tale 13
Rozen Maiden Ouvertüre
01. Ewigkeit02. Eitelkeit
Detective Kunkun – Duellwalzer OVA