Rozen Maiden Wiki
Ouvertüre 02
English Eitelkeit
Kanji 虚飾
Rōmaji Kyoshoku
Release December 23, 2006
Running Time 25 Minutes
Episode Guide
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01. Ewigkeit N/A

Eitelkeit (虚飾 Kyoshoku) is the second and final episode of the Rozen Maiden Ouvertüre OVA, which reveals the history of Suigintou. It first aired in Japan, on December 23, 2006.


Shinku and Suigintou continue to spend time together & Shinku takes care of Suigintou, including teaching her how to walk. However, gradually Shinku begins to doubt Suigintou of being an authentic Rozen Maiden. Shinku & Souseiseki begin to battle in an N-Field as part of the Alice Game, however Suigintou interrupts & announces herself as a Rozen Maiden. This leads Souseiseki to attack her & destroy her in hopes of obtaining her Rosa Mystica. Due to Suigintou being unfinished at the time, no Rosa Mystica was released.

However, Rozen repairs her & bestows upon her a Rosa Mystica. Later, Suigintou & Shinku meet again, however due to the latter not considering Suigintou to be an authentic Rozen Maiden, Suigintou becomes infuriated and attacks Shinku. Shinku's precious amulet, bestowed upon her by her father Rozen, was destroyed by Suigintou. Shinku retaliates, and shortly after the beginning of their fight, Laplace's Demon shows up & announces that the Alice Game of that era had ended. Jun then fixes Shinku's dress upon understanding her feelings.

Important Events[]


  • "Eitelkeit" is German and means "Vanity".


See also[]

References & Citations[]

Rozen Maiden
01. Fräulein Rose02. Kleine Beere03. Mercury Lampe04. Jade Stern05. Die Treppe06. Tränen07. Träume08. Lapislazuli Stern09. Das Gefängnis10. Abschied11. Schicksal12. Reiner Rubin
Rozen Maiden Träumend
01. Rozenkristall02. Enju03. Kanarienvogel04. Vereinbarung05. Der Brief06. Engel07. Teegesellschaft08. Puppenmacher09. Der Tadel10. Tomoe11. Rosengarten12. Alice
Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen
Tale 1Tale 2Tale 3Tale 4Tale 5Tale 6Tale 7Tale 8Tale 9Tale 10Tale 11Tale 12Tale 13
Rozen Maiden Ouvertüre
01. Ewigkeit02. Eitelkeit
Detective Kunkun – Duellwalzer OVA