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There is no way a despicable doll like you can become Alice. The one to become Alice is me. The one who loves father more than anyone. I will become Alice. Father will hold me close to his heart and he will gaze only upon me.

—Suigintou to Shinku, Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre 2

Kanji 水銀燈
Rōmaji Suigintou
Translation Mercury Lampe / Mercury Lamp
Hair color Silver-white
Eye color Pink
Gender Female
Status Alive
Alice Game
Number First Rozen Maiden
Master Megu Kakizaki
Artificial Spirit Meimei (メイメイ Meimei)
Weapons Black Feathers
Voice Actors
Japanese Rie Tanaka
English Karen Strassman
This article is about the character from Studio NOMAD's anime continuity. For other uses see Suigintou (disambiguation).

Suigintou is the first Rozen Maiden doll. She serves an antagonistic role in the first and second seasons.


Suigintou's appearance is similar to her manga appearance but with changes to her color palette. Her eyes here are pink and her headband is dark blue. The headband has only one bow on the ends and the rosette is usually red or purple. The black cloth in her manga portrayal is now dark blue. The matching rosettes are also either red or purple.[1] She lacks a torso until the final episode.[2]


Initially, Suigintou's will to exist was so strong that she was able to move without actually possessing a Rosa Mystica. Suigintou did not consciously make a contract with Megu, rather, Megu came upon Suigintou as she was reawakening. Prior to this, Suigintou's strong sense of independence, as well as disdain towards humanity, had her avoiding the perceived weakness of having a medium. She is also the only Rozen Maiden to have been defeated and revived three times. 


Rozen Maiden Ouvertüre[]

Episode 01 - Ewigkeit[]

Shown in the beginning of Ouvertüre, Suigintou is lying on a shelf, where Rozen left her, while he was working on the other dolls. Since her love was very strong for him, she came alive and came crawling to find him. She found her clothes and somehow managed to put them on, later continuing to search for her 'father'.

The series comes back to the present, where Suigintou went to Megu, who has received a bouquet of dark, red roses from her parents. When Megu asks her if they are magnificent, she scatters them, saying that she hates those flowers. Meanwhile, in the Sakurada house, Souseiseki begins to tell their story to Jun.

The events happened in the 19th century in London. Suiseiseki stopped the fight between Shinku and her twin, and while sitting in an N-Field, Suigintou began to emerge from the water, scaring her by asking where Rozen was. Later, she appeared out of the mirror, in Sarah's room, where she met Shinku. 

Episode 02 - Eitelkeit[]

Shinku started taking care of Suigintou, by teaching her how to stand up and walk, how to serve tea and many other things. Some days later, Shinku went to an N-Field, to fight Souseiseki, but Suigintou followed them through the mirror. After saying that she is the first Rozen Maiden, Souiseiseki sliced her in half. Shinku revealed that she has no Rosa Mystica, she moved because of her affection for Rozen, and that she is therefore already dead. However, Rozen recognized her as a Rozen Maiden, gave her a Rosa Mystica and even repaired her.

Later, Suigintou and Shinku met, but the latter could not believe it and stated that Suigintou is different from the other dolls by the fact that she is incomplete. Suigintou started to argue with Shinku by saying that she helped her only to feel superior and that she, the first doll, is the only one who will become Alice, while crushing Shinku's brooch of Rozen. When the two started to fight, Laplace's Demon appeared and said that the Alice Game of that era had come to an end.



Shinku is the sister Suigintou despises the most. In Ouvertüre, Suigintou and Shinku are shown to actually be friends, but the friendship sours after Suigintou discovers that Shinku only became her friend out of pity and did not see her as a true Rozen Maiden, destroying a prized possession of Shinku's in retaliation.

When Megu, the medium of Suigintou, shows her a bouquet of bright red roses, Suigintou destroys the bouquet, saying that she "hates roses." This obviously indicates that she either hates roses as a whole, or that she particularly dislikes bright red roses, since Shinku uses bright red rose petals as her primary weapon. (The latter is believed to be the case as she still wears rosettes on her clothes.)

In the final battle, Shinku sees that she does not want to keep fighting, but Suigintou does. She is shocked that Suigintou would ally herself with Barasuishou. When demanded to answer why, Suigintou claims with pride it was because of their part as Rozen Maidens: fighting for the right to be Alice until one triumphs, while the others become junk. Furthermore, it was Shinku who hurt her from the beginning, bringing the younger sister to remember what she had done. Suigintou is unwilling to step down and befriend Shinku again; to become weak, like she is. Then, Shinku watches with horror as Suigintou is struck down by Barasuishou. Suigintou's animosity disappears and tearfully apologizes to Megu for failing her before dying in her little sister's embrace. At that moment, Shinku becomes enraged and attempts to avenge Suigintou's death on Barasuishou.


When Suigintou was created, Rozen abandoned his plans for her design, leaving her unfinished and without a Rosa Mystica, so she eventually started moving by herself, towards her affection for him, questioning why he would leave her behind. When she finally acquired her Rosa Mystica, she stated that Rozen gave it to her because he wanted to prove that he still loves her.

Megu Kakizaki[]

Megu is Suigintou's medium.

Weapons and Skills[]

With her arrow-like feathers, she can conjure up a shield, a large sword, or even twin black dragon heads. After she absorbed Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica, Suigintou was able to use Souseiseki's Gardener Shears. However, when Suigintou lost her Rosa Mystica to Barasuishou, Souseiseki's came out as well. At the end of Träumend, when Suigintou regained her Rosa Mystica, it is unclear if she regained Souseiseki's as well.


  • "Know that when we meet again, I will turn you into junk! I'll rip you into so many pieces, you'll never be able to return!" - Suigintou to Shinku, Rozen Maiden Ouvertüre - Episode 02
  • "Surprised to see me, Shinku? Come now, did you actually think you could defeat me so easily? You really are such a dummy."
  • "You really want to die, don't you? I use a little power and this is what happens..." - Suigintou to Megu
  • "Of course he did! I am the most worthy of becoming Alice! That's the reason Father revived me, isn't it obvious?" - Suigintou to Shinku, after her stating that father brought her back
  • "Of course you're not. I am the perfect doll, the one who will become Alice." - After Megu says she isn't perfect like Suigintou
  • "Shinku... Father always told me that... that I could be... I could be Alice someday, too. Even with my body, I could become... Alice. [...] I'm sorry... Megu." - Suigintou's last words, Rozen Maiden Träumend - Episode 12


  • She is the only Rozen Maiden to have been resurrected outside of the Alice Game, and was resurrected by Rozen three times.

References and Citations[]

Rozen Maiden
Jun SakuradaJun Sakurada (Unwound World)Megu KakizakiKikuHana

Mitsu "Micchan" KusabueTomoe KashiwabaCorinne FossetOdille FossetKazuha Yuibishi
Youji YuibishiMotoharu ShibasakiSarahLeošRudolphAlice (Rot-Schwarz)Mary

Other Humans
Nori SakuradaKaito ToriumiSaitouSaitou's Brother
YamamotoMr. UmeokaFutaba YuibishiAlice (Rozen Maiden (2008))
Kazuki ShibasakiMatsu ShibasakiYuna KuwataHitomi SakamotoEnju
AgehaYamaguchiMegu's FatherMegu's NurseJamesHead Manager


RozenLaplace's DemonBarasuishouJudica and MadulinGinkaTefukoDetective Kunkun

Purupuru-chanJabberwockArachneKodouguFake ShinkuKeikujaku
